the actual desktop client could easily turned into one. Well there was one (kinda) but it was deleted / shutdown by the developers. Signal to be the most secure messenger in the world. That's exactly why I'm using protonmail, twitter, spotify and many others as PWAs. Personally that's a risk I'm definitely willing to put up with, but I guess the issue is people will default to the web app which does not offer the best protection by default.Īlso want to add to the discussion: One of the great benefits of the web is how sandboxed it is, so for an individual it's a lot more secure that the app is running in the browser, than having full access to the computer. If this is completely wrong and I'm just talking garbish, I'm sorry, I'm in no way an expert or have any sort of knowledge in this field. Proton apps (protonmail etc.) also have this problem and apparently it's one of their "great drawbacks" according to some. I can't quite remember what or where I saw the "answer", but apparently there is some problems with verifying the client code on hosted webapps, which is why the electron apps run with local files and the executable can be verified? man in the middle attacks etc.

I commented on this issue a while back, with pretty much the exact same question as but deleted my comment as I felt it was a dumb question after reading about it (It really wasn't! and I should have kept my comment) 🙈 Very happy to see this topic getting some attention.